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The Precise Formula

Des Cheveux plus Épais, plus Forts et plus Longs
Après deux ans de recherche intensive et un développement durable, The Precise Formula a enfin vu le jour.
Chaque capsule contient un mélange exclusif de 21 ingrédients premium essentiels pour stabiliser la chute des cheveux, pour des cheveux plus forts, plus épais et plus longs. Vous serez surpris par les résultats exceptionnels.
The Precise Formula est fabriquée en France. Chaque ingrédient est méticuleusement sélectionné selon des critères de qualité et d’efficacité stricts.
Options d'achat

Pour tout type de cheveux

Convient aux Végétariens

Sans gluten

Sans hormones

Sans OGM

Sans colorants artificiels
La croissance et la chute des cheveux suivent un processus cyclique, qui se déroule en quatre phases distinctes. Pendant les trois premières phases – anagène, catagène et télogène – les cheveux arrivent à maturation puis, pendant la dernière phase – exogène – ils tombent pour laisser place à un nouveau cheveu.
Cliquez ci-dessous pour découvrir le rôle de ces ingrédients dans le rééquilibrage de chaque phase de votre cycle capillaire.
This growing/active phase is the longest in the hair cycle, lasting between two and five years. It may be disrupted by different factors, including nutritional deficiencies, stress and genetic predispositions.
The Precise Formula targets the premature ageing of the hair follicles as well as the nutritional deficiencies which can cause hair loss and hair thinning. Thanks to the high potency vitamin and amino-acid complex, the anagen phase is balanced at the heart of the follicular papilla.
By supporting adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the essential energy of cells, Vitamin B1 participates to maintaining a healthy nervous system. It is considered the antioxidant and anti-aging vitamin of hair, protecting hair from free radicals.
Helps cell metabolism by transforming food into energy and correctly using other nutrients such as Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6. Vitamin B2 also enhances the production of glutathione, an antioxidant which fights the aging of the hair follicles.
Ref. Mahabadi N, Bhusal A, Banks SW. Riboflavin Deficiency, 2020.
Improves microcirculation to the scalp by acting as a vasodilator, enhancing blood and oxygen inflow to the hair follicles. It is also known to increase the synthesis of keratin, the main component of hair.
As an essential nutrient to hair follicles, Vitamin B5 supports cellular metabolism. A Vitamin B5 deficiency can trigger the telogen phase of the hair cycle to start pre-maturely (telogen effluvium).
Vitamin B6 participates in keratin and melanin synthesis, two essential attributes of healthy hair. It may also help inhibit the activity of testosterone, which forms DHT at the hair follicle.
Combats the formation of DHT at the hair follicle level and influences hair growth. Vitamin B7 also has antioxidant properties.
Biotin is a major co-factor to keratin and amino-acids synthesis by supporting the strengthening of hair and nail structure. It also helps convert nutrients into energy, for healthier hair growth.
Ref. Trueb RM. Serum biotin levels in women complaining of hair loss. Int J Trichol. 2016;8(2):73–7.
Assists in the creation of red blood cells, which enhance oxygenation and the flow of nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. It plays a vital role in the metabolism of amino acids, which are important for hair structure and hair growth. Deficiencies in folic acid may lead to alopecia.
Vitamin B12 participates in the formation of red blood cells, enhancing microcirculation, oxygenation and nutrient flow to the scalp and hair follicles. It promotes healthy hair growth and prevents premature hair greying.
Hair follicles react to nuclear vitamin D3 receptors in the anagen phase of the hair cycle, modulating growth and differentiation of keratinocytes. Vitamin D has a vital anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory role and its deficiency is linked to alopecia.
This short transitory stage starts at the end of the anagen phase and lasts about two to three weeks, during which the hair stops growing and receives less blood supply. Different factors, including mineral deficiencies, insufficient blood and oxygen supply and genetic predispositions may disrupt the catagen phase.
The Precise Formula affects the catagen phase by improving scalp microcirculation and fighting hair follicle aging and atrophy.
By actively stimulating fibroblasts – an essential step of hair follicle development – copper is considered a major nutrient for supporting hair growth and maintaining hair pigmentation.
Protects cells from pollutants and slows down cell aging. It is crucial to keratin and procollagen synthesis and for the absorption of selenium and zinc.
A component of collagen, L-Proline acts as a precursor to keratin and has a major anti-oxidative action which protects the hair from free radicals’ damages.
As a major antioxidant, Selenium participates in the composition of 35 proteins. Its role is crucial during the process of keratinisation and is considered a hair growth booster.
Vitamin B6 participates in keratin and melanin synthesis, two essential attributes of healthy hair. It may also help inhibit the activity of testosterone, which forms DHT at the hair follicle.
Combats the formation of DHT at the hair follicle level and influences hair growth. Vitamin B7 also has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin B12 participates in the formation of red blood cells, enhancing microcirculation, oxygenation and nutrient flow to the scalp and hair follicles. It promotes healthy hair growth and prevents premature hair greying.
Essential nutrient which participates in protein synthesis and strengthens hair follicles by its capacity to bind proteins. It stimulates the keratinisation process of hair and is considered more important than hair constituents themselves.
During this phase of shedding, hair bulb involution intensifies and approximately 20 to 60 hairs per day start falling in the following two to four months. Follicles that have lost their hair enter a new cycle, starting from the anagen phase. Different factors, including emotional stress, a strong fever, or a serious infection may disrupt the telogen phase.
The Precise Formula contains active ingredients from meticulously selected plants which support cellular metabolism and balances the telogen phase.
This giant botanical belongs to the Poaceae Bamboo family and is notable for its high content of silicea and phytosterols, which contribute to faster and healthier hair growth. It is considered to promote thicker and stronger hair by increasing the follicle size.
L-Lysine is part of the essential amino-acids group. It supports collagen formation and corrects iron absorption, contributing to healthier hair, skin and nails.
A herb of great delicacy and beauty belonging to the Pteridaceae family, reported in Iranian Traditional Medicine for its hair growth-promoting activity, improvement of follicular density and anagen/telogen ratio.
As a main source of Sulphur, N-Acetylcysteine is considered a supra-antioxidant which helps retain keratin and correct moisture levels in hair. This molecule derived from the sulphur-rich amino-acid L-cysteine also improves hair texture, thickness and lustre.
With a great richness in silicea, sulphur, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, iron and omega 3, this flowering plant belonging to the Urticaceae family contributes to hair re-mineralisation for stronger hair growth. Nettle also fights dandruff and helps hair maintain its colour.
Stimulates the cells to grow new hair and participates in normal sebum production, which in turn helps moisturise your hair and give it shine.
As an essential nutrient to hair follicles, Vitamin B5 supports cellular metabolism. A Vitamin B5 deficiency can trigger the telogen phase of the hair cycle to start pre-maturely (telogen effluvium).
Each ingredient has been meticulously selected from global sources according to strict criteria relating to their quality and efficiency.
View the 21 premium ingredients that make up The Precise Formula and how they impact each of the three growth phases of the hair cycle below.
By supporting adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the essential energy of cells, Vitamin B1 participates to maintaining a healthy nervous system. It is considered the antioxidant and anti-aging vitamin of hair, protecting hair from free radicals.
Helps cell metabolism by transforming food into energy and correctly using other nutrients such as Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6. Vitamin B2 also enhances the production of glutathione, an antioxidant which fights the aging of the hair follicles.
Ref. Mahabadi N, Bhusal A, Banks SW. Riboflavin Deficiency, 2020.
Improves microcirculation to the scalp by acting as a vasodilator, enhancing blood and oxygen inflow to the hair follicles. It is also known to increase the synthesis of keratin, the main component of hair.
As an essential nutrient to hair follicles, Vitamin B5 supports cellular metabolism. A Vitamin B5 deficiency can trigger the telogen phase of the hair cycle to start pre-maturely (telogen effluvium).
Vitamin B6 participates in keratin and melanin synthesis, two essential attributes of healthy hair. It may also help inhibit the activity of testosterone, which forms DHT at the hair follicle.
Combats the formation of DHT at the hair follicle level and influences hair growth. Vitamin B7 also has antioxidant properties.
Biotin is a major co-factor to keratin and amino-acids synthesis by supporting the strengthening of hair and nail structure. It also helps convert nutrients into energy, for healthier hair growth.
Ref. Trueb RM. Serum biotin levels in women complaining of hair loss. Int J Trichol. 2016;8(2):73–7.
Assists in the creation of red blood cells, which enhance oxygenation and the flow of nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. It plays a vital role in the metabolism of amino acids, which are important for hair structure and hair growth. Deficiencies in folic acid may lead to alopecia.
Vitamin B12 participates in the formation of red blood cells, enhancing microcirculation, oxygenation and nutrient flow to the scalp and hair follicles. It promotes healthy hair growth and prevents premature hair greying.
Hair follicles react to nuclear vitamin D3 receptors in the anagen phase of the hair cycle, modulating growth and differentiation of keratinocytes. Vitamin D has a vital anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory role and its deficiency is linked to alopecia.
By actively stimulating fibroblasts – an essential step of hair follicle development – copper is considered a major nutrient for supporting hair growth and maintaining hair pigmentation.
Protects cells from pollutants and slows down cell aging. It is crucial to keratin and procollagen synthesis and for the absorption of selenium and zinc.
A component of collagen, L-Proline acts as a precursor to keratin and has a major anti-oxidative action which protects the hair from free radicals’ damages.
As a major antioxidant, Selenium participates in the composition of 35 proteins. Its role is crucial during the process of keratinisation and is considered a hair growth booster.
Vitamin B6 participates in keratin and melanin synthesis, two essential attributes of healthy hair. It may also help inhibit the activity of testosterone, which forms DHT at the hair follicle.
Combats the formation of DHT at the hair follicle level and influences hair growth. Vitamin B7 also has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin B12 participates in the formation of red blood cells, enhancing microcirculation, oxygenation and nutrient flow to the scalp and hair follicles. It promotes healthy hair growth and prevents premature hair greying.
Essential nutrient which participates in protein synthesis and strengthens hair follicles by its capacity to bind proteins. It stimulates the keratinisation process of hair and is considered more important than hair constituents themselves.
This giant botanical belongs to the Poaceae Bamboo family and is notable for its high content of silicea and phytosterols, which contribute to faster and healthier hair growth. It is considered to promote thicker and stronger hair by increasing the follicle size.
L-Lysine is part of the essential amino-acids group. It supports collagen formation and corrects iron absorption, contributing to healthier hair, skin and nails.
A herb of great delicacy and beauty belonging to the Pteridaceae family, reported in Iranian Traditional Medicine for its hair growth-promoting activity, improvement of follicular density and anagen/telogen ratio.
As a main source of Sulphur, N-Acetylcysteine is considered a supra-antioxidant which helps retain keratin and correct moisture levels in hair. This molecule derived from the sulphur-rich amino-acid L-cysteine also improves hair texture, thickness and lustre.
With a great richness in silicea, sulphur, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, iron and omega 3, this flowering plant belonging to the Urticaceae family contributes to hair re-mineralisation for stronger hair growth. Nettle also fights dandruff and helps hair maintain its colour.
Stimulates the cells to grow new hair and participates in normal sebum production, which in turn helps moisturise your hair and give it shine.
As an essential nutrient to hair follicles, Vitamin B5 supports cellular metabolism. A Vitamin B5 deficiency can trigger the telogen phase of the hair cycle to start pre-maturely (telogen effluvium).
This growing/active phase is the longest in the hair cycle, lasting between two and five years. It may be disrupted by different factors, including nutritional deficiencies, stress and genetic predispositions.
The Precise Formula targets the premature ageing of the hair follicles as well as the nutritional deficiencies which can cause hair loss and hair thinning. Thanks to the high potency vitamin and amino-acid complex, the anagen phase is balanced at the heart of the follicular papilla.
By supporting adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the essential energy of cells, Vitamin B1 participates to maintaining a healthy nervous system. It is considered the antioxidant and anti-aging vitamin of hair, protecting hair from free radicals.
Helps cell metabolism by transforming food into energy and correctly using other nutrients such as Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6. Vitamin B2 also enhances the production of glutathione, an antioxidant which fights the aging of the hair follicles.
Ref. Mahabadi N, Bhusal A, Banks SW. Riboflavin Deficiency, 2020.
Improves microcirculation to the scalp by acting as a vasodilator, enhancing blood and oxygen inflow to the hair follicles. It is also known to increase the synthesis of keratin, the main component of hair.
As an essential nutrient to hair follicles, Vitamin B5 supports cellular metabolism. A Vitamin B5 deficiency can trigger the telogen phase of the hair cycle to start pre-maturely (telogen effluvium).
Vitamin B6 participates in keratin and melanin synthesis, two essential attributes of healthy hair. It may also help inhibit the activity of testosterone, which forms DHT at the hair follicle.
Combats the formation of DHT at the hair follicle level and influences hair growth. Vitamin B7 also has antioxidant properties.
Biotin is a major co-factor to keratin and amino-acids synthesis by supporting the strengthening of hair and nail structure. It also helps convert nutrients into energy, for healthier hair growth.
Ref. Trueb RM. Serum biotin levels in women complaining of hair loss. Int J Trichol. 2016;8(2):73–7.
Assists in the creation of red blood cells, which enhance oxygenation and the flow of nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. It plays a vital role in the metabolism of amino acids, which are important for hair structure and hair growth. Deficiencies in folic acid may lead to alopecia.
Vitamin B12 participates in the formation of red blood cells, enhancing microcirculation, oxygenation and nutrient flow to the scalp and hair follicles. It promotes healthy hair growth and prevents premature hair greying.
Hair follicles react to nuclear vitamin D3 receptors in the anagen phase of the hair cycle, modulating growth and differentiation of keratinocytes. Vitamin D has a vital anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory role and its deficiency is linked to alopecia.
This short transitory stage starts at the end of the anagen phase and lasts about two to three weeks, during which the hair stops growing and receives less blood supply. Different factors, including mineral deficiencies, insufficient blood and oxygen supply and genetic predispositions may disrupt the catagen phase.
The Precise Formula affects the catagen phase by improving scalp microcirculation and fighting hair follicle aging and atrophy.
By actively stimulating fibroblasts – an essential step of hair follicle development – copper is considered a major nutrient for supporting hair growth and maintaining hair pigmentation.
Protects cells from pollutants and slows down cell aging. It is crucial to keratin and procollagen synthesis and for the absorption of selenium and zinc.
A component of collagen, L-Proline acts as a precursor to keratin and has a major anti-oxidative action which protects the hair from free radicals’ damages.
As a major antioxidant, Selenium participates in the composition of 35 proteins. Its role is crucial during the process of keratinisation and is considered a hair growth booster.
Vitamin B6 participates in keratin and melanin synthesis, two essential attributes of healthy hair. It may also help inhibit the activity of testosterone, which forms DHT at the hair follicle.
Combats the formation of DHT at the hair follicle level and influences hair growth. Vitamin B7 also has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin B12 participates in the formation of red blood cells, enhancing microcirculation, oxygenation and nutrient flow to the scalp and hair follicles. It promotes healthy hair growth and prevents premature hair greying.
Essential nutrient which participates in protein synthesis and strengthens hair follicles by its capacity to bind proteins. It stimulates the keratinisation process of hair and is considered more important than hair constituents themselves.
During this phase of shedding, hair bulb involution intensifies and approximately 20 to 60 hairs per day start falling in the following two to four months. Follicles that have lost their hair enter a new cycle, starting from the anagen phase. Different factors, including emotional stress, a strong fever, or a serious infection may disrupt the telogen phase.
The Precise Formula contains active ingredients from meticulously selected plants which support cellular metabolism and balances the telogen phase.
This giant botanical belongs to the Poaceae Bamboo family and is notable for its high content of silicea and phytosterols, which contribute to faster and healthier hair growth. It is considered to promote thicker and stronger hair by increasing the follicle size.
L-Lysine is part of the essential amino-acids group. It supports collagen formation and corrects iron absorption, contributing to healthier hair, skin and nails.
A herb of great delicacy and beauty belonging to the Pteridaceae family, reported in Iranian Traditional Medicine for its hair growth-promoting activity, improvement of follicular density and anagen/telogen ratio.
As a main source of Sulphur, N-Acetylcysteine is considered a supra-antioxidant which helps retain keratin and correct moisture levels in hair. This molecule derived from the sulphur-rich amino-acid L-cysteine also improves hair texture, thickness and lustre.
With a great richness in silicea, sulphur, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, iron and omega 3, this flowering plant belonging to the Urticaceae family contributes to hair re-mineralisation for stronger hair growth. Nettle also fights dandruff and helps hair maintain its colour.
Stimulates the cells to grow new hair and participates in normal sebum production, which in turn helps moisturise your hair and give it shine.
As an essential nutrient to hair follicles, Vitamin B5 supports cellular metabolism. A Vitamin B5 deficiency can trigger the telogen phase of the hair cycle to start pre-maturely (telogen effluvium).
Each ingredient has been meticulously selected from global sources according to strict criteria relating to their quality and efficiency.
View the 21 premium ingredients that make up The Precise Formula and how they impact each of the three growth phases of the hair cycle below.
By supporting adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the essential energy of cells, Vitamin B1 participates to maintaining a healthy nervous system. It is considered the antioxidant and anti-aging vitamin of hair, protecting hair from free radicals.
Helps cell metabolism by transforming food into energy and correctly using other nutrients such as Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6. Vitamin B2 also enhances the production of glutathione, an antioxidant which fights the aging of the hair follicles.
Ref. Mahabadi N, Bhusal A, Banks SW. Riboflavin Deficiency, 2020.
Improves microcirculation to the scalp by acting as a vasodilator, enhancing blood and oxygen inflow to the hair follicles. It is also known to increase the synthesis of keratin, the main component of hair.
As an essential nutrient to hair follicles, Vitamin B5 supports cellular metabolism. A Vitamin B5 deficiency can trigger the telogen phase of the hair cycle to start pre-maturely (telogen effluvium).
Vitamin B6 participates in keratin and melanin synthesis, two essential attributes of healthy hair. It may also help inhibit the activity of testosterone, which forms DHT at the hair follicle.
Combats the formation of DHT at the hair follicle level and influences hair growth. Vitamin B7 also has antioxidant properties.
Biotin is a major co-factor to keratin and amino-acids synthesis by supporting the strengthening of hair and nail structure. It also helps convert nutrients into energy, for healthier hair growth.
Ref. Trueb RM. Serum biotin levels in women complaining of hair loss. Int J Trichol. 2016;8(2):73–7.
Assists in the creation of red blood cells, which enhance oxygenation and the flow of nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. It plays a vital role in the metabolism of amino acids, which are important for hair structure and hair growth. Deficiencies in folic acid may lead to alopecia.
Vitamin B12 participates in the formation of red blood cells, enhancing microcirculation, oxygenation and nutrient flow to the scalp and hair follicles. It promotes healthy hair growth and prevents premature hair greying.
Hair follicles react to nuclear vitamin D3 receptors in the anagen phase of the hair cycle, modulating growth and differentiation of keratinocytes. Vitamin D has a vital anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory role and its deficiency is linked to alopecia.
By actively stimulating fibroblasts – an essential step of hair follicle development – copper is considered a major nutrient for supporting hair growth and maintaining hair pigmentation.
Protects cells from pollutants and slows down cell aging. It is crucial to keratin and procollagen synthesis and for the absorption of selenium and zinc.
A component of collagen, L-Proline acts as a precursor to keratin and has a major anti-oxidative action which protects the hair from free radicals’ damages.
As a major antioxidant, Selenium participates in the composition of 35 proteins. Its role is crucial during the process of keratinisation and is considered a hair growth booster.
Vitamin B6 participates in keratin and melanin synthesis, two essential attributes of healthy hair. It may also help inhibit the activity of testosterone, which forms DHT at the hair follicle.
Combats the formation of DHT at the hair follicle level and influences hair growth. Vitamin B7 also has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin B12 participates in the formation of red blood cells, enhancing microcirculation, oxygenation and nutrient flow to the scalp and hair follicles. It promotes healthy hair growth and prevents premature hair greying.
Essential nutrient which participates in protein synthesis and strengthens hair follicles by its capacity to bind proteins. It stimulates the keratinisation process of hair and is considered more important than hair constituents themselves.
This giant botanical belongs to the Poaceae Bamboo family and is notable for its high content of silicea and phytosterols, which contribute to faster and healthier hair growth. It is considered to promote thicker and stronger hair by increasing the follicle size.
L-Lysine is part of the essential amino-acids group. It supports collagen formation and corrects iron absorption, contributing to healthier hair, skin and nails.
A herb of great delicacy and beauty belonging to the Pteridaceae family, reported in Iranian Traditional Medicine for its hair growth-promoting activity, improvement of follicular density and anagen/telogen ratio.
As a main source of Sulphur, N-Acetylcysteine is considered a supra-antioxidant which helps retain keratin and correct moisture levels in hair. This molecule derived from the sulphur-rich amino-acid L-cysteine also improves hair texture, thickness and lustre.
With a great richness in silicea, sulphur, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, iron and omega 3, this flowering plant belonging to the Urticaceae family contributes to hair re-mineralisation for stronger hair growth. Nettle also fights dandruff and helps hair maintain its colour.
Stimulates the cells to grow new hair and participates in normal sebum production, which in turn helps moisturise your hair and give it shine.
As an essential nutrient to hair follicles, Vitamin B5 supports cellular metabolism. A Vitamin B5 deficiency can trigger the telogen phase of the hair cycle to start pre-maturely (telogen effluvium).
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